Monday, 16 February 2015

My Travel Wish List

Travelling and exploring different cultures is one of my biggest passions and I spend so much time day dreaming about where I'll be going on my next adventure. So with that in mind, I decided to compile a list of places that I hope to travel to in the near future.

I've already been lucky enough to visit Japan (twice actually), but both trips have left me wanting to see more and more of this amazing country. I've always been so fascinated by their unique culture, there really is no other country like it! I remember being so in awe of the eye opening fashion, bizarre food, stunning temples and the politeness of the Japanese people. On my previous trips I spent most of my time in Tokyo and Kyoto, but it would be my dream to go back and travel around the country on the bullet train, hopping on and off exploring all the other cities and towns I didn't get a chance to see on my previous trips. I would love to visit Osaka and see the beautiful Himeji Castle in real life, not just in pictures. I also recently found out that there is an island called Tashirojima, which is better known as cat island - yes, you read that right, an ISLAND OF CATS (you can watch several amusing videos on you tube if you don't believe me). If that's not reason enough to go back, what is?! 

New York
I think most people would love the opportunity to visit the city that is often described as being the greatest city in the world, and I'm no exception. Years of watching TV shows like Sex and The City and Friends during my teens are to blame for my obsession with this city. I think if I do get the chance to go I would spend the whole trip walking around in awe and not really believing I'm actually there! I don't think it would be possible to run out of things to do in New York, it just seems like such an exciting and fun place to be. I would love to do all the touristy things like Times Square, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, 5th Avenue, the Natural History Museum...the list is endless. Oh and shopping of course.

If I ever get married this is where I'll be going on my honeymoon, no doubt about it! I can't imagine anything more romantic than waking up in one of those cute overwater huts every morning with the one you love and staring out at the crystal clear sounds like paradise. Fiji just looks so serene and the perfect place to get away from the rest of the world. If I ever get the chance to go I would spend my days exploring the island, snorkelling with all the fishes and sampling all the exotic cocktails. It really does sound like a dream holiday destination, just looking at pictures of this beautiful island make me drool!

I can imagine Canada being similar to Scotland, but even more beautiful and with better weather. I never used to think of Canada as a place I would want to visit until recently; I always remember someone telling me years ago that Canada was a 'rubbish version of America' and it completely put me off. I've changed my mind now though, my boyfriend has been and he absolutely loved it and has so many wonderful stories from his time there. Going to see Niagara falls would be a must, but I would also love to explore Toronto, eat at the top of the CN Tower and go for a bike ride around the Toronto islands.

Like Japan, Iceland is a country with it's own unique culture and looks breathtakingly beautiful! Unlike the other places on my list, this is a bit closer to home so a trip here may be on the cards for me at the end of this year. Winter is the best time to see the Northern Lights which is something I would love to experience, they look so pretty and out of this world. Even though this is one of the main reasons I want to visit Iceland, I would love to spend a few days in Reykjavik as it looks so picturesque with so many cool places to wine and dine, and I would squeeze in a trip to the Blue Lagoon for some much needed relaxation. 

What's on your travel wish list?


  1. I love your list! I have been to Canada since I'm Canadian lol but I'm telling you, the country has a lot to offer! It's a very big country, some parts are really modern. A lot of people in the USA thinks our country is just full of mountains and we are behind the modern life but they are wrong. I was kind of insulted because I went somewhere in the US and some people thought I'm this person who doesn't know anything about a city life just because I'm Canadian but I actually live in a more modernized place compared to them! The only place we cannot beat when it comes to being grandiose is New York! I love NEW YORK by the way. :D I have been to many parts of the USA and I would even say that Montreal (smaller city than Toronto) where I live is more of like a city compared to other cities in the United States. Canada is probably similar to Scotland to some places around Canadian Rockies such as Vancouver and Calgary, these cities are mixed of beautiful mountains and modernity.

    I also would like to visit Japan and Iceland! I haven't heard many things about Fiji but I looked for pictures and it looks amazing!

  2. I've been to New York before when I was a little younger and I loved it, I'm dying to go back! Canada is definitely on my wish list too, some of the photos I see people capture of the mountains and forestry there are so beautiful.


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